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Manna in the Storm
We all go through times of trials, fear and uncertainty or maybe know someone who needs help. This book will provide the reader with nuggets of truth, wisdom and spiritual guidance. It provides my personal experiences and teachings from scriptures in the Bible that I have found to be useful.
Best Seller
Stone Pony is the true story about Stephen Paul Campos. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the US Army as a combat infantry rifleman.
Keez & Kiki Remus
Train UP The Way to Go
King Solomon wrote: Start children (or adults) off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. NIV
The Tail of Two Roads
Keez, teaches his son, KiKi Remus, there are two roads in life. One that leads to Life and the other to Destruction. Which one will he choose?
Take UP
Parents, teach your children the word of God. These lessons will help them fight against the unseen enemy of their soul.
Two Doors to Forever Land
The Bible says there are only two gates and roads to Eternal Life. We all start in life on the wide road that leads to death.
If God said it then it Must be So!
Jesus said , " John 8:32 32 -Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Knowing the truth about God, can make you understand more about Him and his plan for our lives.
30 Days, 30 Bible Memory Verses
Deuteronomy 11:19 19 - Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Best Seller
Senor Campos Mexican Recipes & Family Secrets
Art Campos was a pioneer in the Mexican Food industry. He established Campos Foods in 1947 and Senor Campos restaurants in 1964. His restaurants and fresh tortillas extended throughout the Central Valley in California. For the very first time, his family recipes and secrets are revealed!
Good People DON'T Go To Heaven
Many people believe that just being a good person will get them into heaven after they die. But, the Bible is very clear about who will go to Heaven and who will go into Hell for eternity after death. Matthew 7:13
Came to Believe
This title is used in Alcoholics Anonymous after using the steps to stay sober. I wrote this as how I got sober and my journey from drinking to being happy and sober living.
Political Issues
The Fight 4 America
But, the Bible clearly warns us in the book of Revelation at the end of times, what may happen to us in the future.
Political Issues
Raving Wolves
Politicians, the media, the struggle to gain control over which party takes the White House is dividing our nation and damaging our streets.
12 Step Program
12 Steps to 4 Recovery Workbook
12 Step program I used to get sober and stay sober. It is regularly used in 12 Step programs, like Alcoholics Anonymous. This is a workbook and can you those who want to get sober.
Great for Military & Veteran
Battle Ready
Psalm 78:24 “He (GOD) rained down manna1 for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven”Jesus Christ spoke of manna
Put On the Armor of God
Armor of God Warriors
For our Struggle is Not against flesh and blood but, against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Self Control
Without self-control you will become a SLAVE to your emotions, feelings and suffer the result of sin in your life. You will be weak, exposed to the enemy and vulnerable.
Best Seller
From Combat to the Cross
This book is about my experiences in combat in Vietnam, coming home after the war and hitting my rock bottom. I cried out to God in 1982 for help and He answered me. I made a new life for myself by staying sober, going to church, reading the Bible daily and being involved in a 12 Step program.
Best Seller
When Johnny or Jane Come Home After War
Resources for military and veterans suffering the side-affects of war. It explains how war changes a person and how to get help with the Veterans Administration. This also is a GREAT resource for husbands. wives, and family members.
Best Seller
Charlie Doesn't Live Here Anymore
This was my first book that was published in 2009. It is my personal journey about me before Vietnam, in Boot Camp, serving in combat in 1968-1969
Best Seller
The Testimony of Eternal Life
The Truth is Revealed. Now, you can know that there is Life after Death! Are you going to Heaven or Hell after you die? Now, you can know the truth!
Alochol Issues
The Alcohol Trap
This book is dedicated to everyone who faces the “TRAP” of alcohol abuse. It took me years to find out anything was wrong with me.
Police & Fire-Fighters
Manna 4: First Responders
For "First Responders", these lessons will equip you with spiritual tools you need to maintain focus and to overcome any obstacle.